A Tactical Card Game

Come play Battle Of Zodaics for free on Steam

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Sobre o Battle of Zodiacs

Não é "Pay to Win"

Não há benefícios especiais para jogadores que pagam extra. Todos têm chance igual de vencer, independentemente do dinheiro gasto.


Em breve nosso Card Game BoZ vai te proporcionar momentos muito divertidos e emocionantes


Em breve, nosso Card Game BoZ trará diversão e emoção! A vitória depende de táticas e estratégias.

Battle Of Zodiacs

A fully competitive 1x1 game, where the goal is to dominate your enemy's territories!

To achieve your goal, each player will assemble a team with 3 heroes and a deck composed of items and spells.

Play now on Steam and earn the BIGM Token by being within the TOP10 of the Ranking.

I want to play

Rodmap Battle of Zodiacs


Stage 1

Base Game Development

Deck/Terrain Editing

Demo Release on Steam

Participation in BGS Event

Stage 2

Early Access on Steam

Training Mode

Ranking Mode

Item Store


Stage 3

Announcement of BOZ PlayToEarn

Creation of BIGM Token

Addition of New Character

BIGM Token Rewards for TOP10 in monthly ranking on Steam


Stage 4

BIGM Token Launch

New "Elementals" card collection

Version 1.0 Release on Steam

PlayToEarn Version Development

BOZ NFTs Launch


Stage 5

Extensive game promotion campaign

New "Astral Synergy" mechanic

Launch of Crypto version 1.0


Where to buy?

For now, the only way to obtain BIGM Tokens is by participating in the TOP10 of the game on Steam. The top 10 players of the month will be rewarded with Tokens according to their position in the ranking.

Play now


The BIGM Token will be the primary currency for the economy of all games developed by The Big Marck company. All sales of skins, tournament registrations/prizes, payments for betting matches, and purchases of NFTs will be conducted using the token.



Meet the characters of Battle of Zodiacs and choose your favorite.

King Frixo


Rarely does the name of King Frixo get mentioned in the land of Zodiacus without people beginning to run to their homes, businesses closing, and the bravest of warriors wetting themselves.

King Minos


King Minos is exactly like the animal emblazoned on his family's coat of arms:

Patient and cautious, but if pushed beyond his limit, he can lay waste to entire lands in a matter of seconds.

King Pólux and Queen Helena


Certainly, the siblings Pollux and Helena are the most intriguing figures in the world of Zodiacus.

There are no records of where they came from, when they were born, or even how they became the lords of the Gemini Kingdom.

Queen Lerna


Considered the greatest witch that the Cancer Kingdom has ever witnessed, Lerna had to take the reins of the Kingdom when her husband Karkinos fell ill.Since she had always been a kind and peaceful queen, Lerna has only one reason to enter this war: to find a cure for her beloved King's suffering.

Prince Régulus


There is only one thing that Prince Regulus values more than the beauty of women: a beautiful battle. Do not be fooled by the youth and egocentric spirit of the Leo heir.

Queen Astréia


Justice, honesty, temperance, and uprightness.

These are the pillars that sustain the Virgo Kingdom, and Queen Astréia has never hesitated to raise her sword over the heads of those who would attack these values.

Queen Têmis


Having no other option, Libra decides to send her eldest daughter, Princess Têmis, to the plains of Boreas in an attempt to prevent the War of Frixo from knocking at her door.

Queen Styx


They say the venom of the Scorpio runs through all the kingdoms of Zodiacus, and that its sting has already stained the sheets of many kings of this Earth.

A figure of beauty and mystery, Styx is a powerful sorceress, feared even by the great King of Pisces.

King Quiron


Often called the "Lonely King," Chiron secluded himself in the autumnal forests of Sagittarius.

Home of the Giant Cedar and the leaves that never bloom, shortly after the last Great War.

King Vega


Vega and Frixo are the great Kings of the land of Zodiacus and the opposing pillars of most of the Great Wars of this land. Legends tell that even when the continents were formed, falling from the stars and the fire of the sky, the ancestors of Capricorn and Aries already hated each other.

Prince Ganimedes


Ganymede is a talented mage who is still learning to handle his powers.

His father, King Tros, sent his son to improve his skills with his friend and ally Archenar, King of Pisces and master of magic in Zodiacus, in an attempt to prevent the prince from being seduced by dark magic.

Rei Archenar


O nome de Archenar é mencionado nas antigas canções de Zodiacus como o “Grande Sábio” ou o “Mestre da Magia”.

Ninguém sabe ao certo quantos anos o velho mago possui e alguns dizem que ele seria tão velho quanto o Rio Zephyros.

King Archenar


Archenar's name is mentioned in the ancient songs of Zodiacus as the "Great Sage" or the "Master of Magic."

No one knows for sure how old the old mage is, and some say he would be as old as the Zephyros River.

General Sátyrus


Queen Styx of Scorpio discovered, decades ago, the land that gave rise to the Ophiuchus Kingdom in a harsh region of the Underworld.

To fully restore the power of Serpentarius, Styx would need a pure source of magic and a body to house the spirit of the 13th Astro.


Rei Frixo


Dificilmente o nome do Rei Frixo é mencionado na Terra de Zodiacus sem que as pessoas comecem a correr para suas casas, o comércio seja fechado e o mais bravo dos guerreiros molhe as próprias calças.


Rei Minos


O Rei Minos é exatamente como o animal estampado no brasão de sua família:

Paciente e cauteloso, mas se provocado além do limite, pode dizimar terras inteiras em questões de segundos.



Rei Pólux e Rainha Helena


Com certeza, os irmãos Pólux e Helena, são as figuras mais intrigantes do mundo de Zodiacus.

Não existem registros de onde os dois vieram, quando nasceram ou até mesmo como se tornaram senhores do Reino de Gêmeos.




Rainha Lerna


Considerada a maior feiticeira que o Reino de Câncer já testemunhou, Lerna teve que assumir as rédeas do Reino quando seu marido Karkinos adoeceu.

Já que sempre fora uma Rainha bondosa e pacífica, Lerna tem apenas uma razão para entrar nesta guerra: encontrar a cura para o sofrimento de seu amado Rei.


Príncipe Régulus


Há apenas uma coisa que o Príncipe Régulus preze mais do que a beleza das mulheres: uma bela batalha. Não se deixe enganar pela juventude e espírito egocêntrico do herdeiro de Leão.



Rainha Astréia


Justiça, honestidade, temperança e retidão.

Estes são os pilares que sustentam o Reino de Virgem, e a Rainha Astréia jamais hesitou em erguer sua espada sobre a cabeça daqueles que atentassem contra estes valores.



Princesa Têmis


Sem ter outra opção, Libra resolve enviar sua filha mais velha, a Princesa Têmis, para as planícies de Bóreas na tentativa de impedir que a Guerra de Frixo bata à sua porta.



Rainha Styx


Dizem que o veneno do Escorpião percorre todos os reinos de Zodiacus, e que sua ferroada já manchou os lençóis de muitos reis desta Terra.

Figura de beleza e mistério, Styx é uma poderosa feiticeira, temida até mesmo pelo grande Reide Peixes.



Rei Quiron


Frequentemente chamado de “O Rei Solitário”, Quiron isolou-se nas florestas outonais de Sagitárius

Lar do Cedro Gigante e das folhas que nunca florescem, logo após a última Grande Guerra.



Rei Vega


Vega e Frixo são os grandes Reis da terra de Zodiacus e os pilares opostos da maioria das Grandes Guerras desta terra.

As lendas contam que ainda quando os continentes se formaram, caindo das estrelas e do fogo do céu, os antepassados de Capricórnio e Áries já se odiavam.



Príncipe Ganimedes


Ganimedes é um talentoso mago que ainda está aprendendo a lidar com seus poderes.

Seu pai, o Rei Tros, enviou o filho para aprimorar suas habilidades com o amigo e aliado Archenar, Rei de Peixes e mestre da magia em Zodiacus, na tentativa de prevenir que o príncipe seja seduzido pela magia negra.

Rei Archenar


O nome de Archenar é mencionado nas antigas canções de Zodiacus como o “Grande Sábio” ou o “Mestre da Magia”.

Ninguém sabe ao certo quantos anos o velho mago possui e alguns dizem que ele seria tão velho quanto o Rio Zephyros.



Rei Archenar


O nome de Archenar é mencionado nas antigas canções de Zodiacus como o “Grande Sábio” ou o “Mestre da Magia”.

Ninguém sabe ao certo quantos anos o velho mago possui e alguns dizem que ele seria tão velho quanto o Rio Zephyros.



General Sátyrus


A Rainha Styx de escorpião descobriu, décadas atrás, a terra que deu origem ao Reino de Ophiuchus em uma região inóspita do Submundo.

Para restaurar completamente o poder de Serpentário, Styx precisaria de uma fonte pura de magia e um corpo para abrigar o espírito do 13° Astro.




Who are the developers of the game?

The company behind the project is The Big Marck, a Brazilian developer active in the gaming and digital design market. The company has been involved in the development of various games, applications, and systems. Access the website

"Players will have access to all the game cards as they are released. Our focus is on creating a fair competitive environment where everyone has the same resources and can be sure they won't have any disadvantage in the match."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.

How much will the game cost?

The game will be 100% free and will be distributed through the Steam platform, and its crypto version will also be free.

"We want to make the game accessible to as many players as possible. That's why we've decided that BoZ (Battle Of Zodiacs) should be a free game optimized to run on the most popular computers.

Our monetization strategy will involve selling skins for: Heroes, Towers, Cards, and Avatars. In addition to trading fees and the appreciation of the Toeken BIGM, should be a free game optimized to run on the most popular computers."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.

When will the game be released?

Currently, we have the Early Access version available on Steam, and it's already possible to play Boz. It's also possible to rank in the TOP10 and earn free BIGM Tokens. Our forecast for the full game release on Steam is the end of 2024, and its PlayToEarn version is expected in the first quarter of 2025.

"It's no secret that the investment for game development is substantial. We are putting everything into this project to deliver a quality game to the players."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.

How can I keep track of the project?

By joining our community on Discord and following the project on social media.

"Transparency is one of our values; we want players to have easy communication with us and to always be informed about the project."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.

How does the TOP 10 - BIGM TOKEN Prize work?

During the months of April, May, and June, we will have the monthly tournament, where at the end of each month, the TOP 10 players will be rewarded with BIGM Tokens.

We will contact the players through Steam, and after wallet verification, we will send the tokens to the winners. Afterward, the ranking will be reset, and a new tournament will begin.

1st place = 1000 BIGM
2nd place = 800 BIGM
3rd place = 500 BIGM
4th - 5th place = 250 BIGM
6th - 10th place = 150 BIGM

"We want to value the top players of BOZ, giving them the opportunity to be the first people to own the token."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.

When will the Token be launched? Will there be a Pre-Sale?

The only way to obtain the BIGM token before its launch will be by winning the TOP 10 in April, May, and June. The token launch will be in July, with the specific day to be announced on our social media channels and here on the website.

"We will work hard to grow our community until the launch date."

Marcos 'Big Marck' Barreto, founder of The Big Marck.